


知識譯語(Knollop),在今年10月啟動了Beta測試階段,列出了包括耶魯開放課程(Open Yale Courses)和可汗學院(Khan Academy)在內的一系列供應商名錄。學生可以設定課程過濾器,按照供應商、日期、主題或評級這些不同的條件篩選課程。使用者可以對課程的總體情況進行評價,並分別就課程的內容、難度、深度和娛樂性進行評分。Knollop還計劃將內容拓展到 MOOC 以外的其他線上學習材料上去,比如教育播客(podcast)和問答網站。

Knollop is your portal to discover, review and follow thousands of online learning materials in any subject from Coursera, Edx, Udacity, Udemy, and top universities.

We believe online education will be one of the greatest benefits the internet delivers the world. Even greater than cat videos.

We want to help realize its potential by enabling people to find the very best available online learning materials.

Knollop is about making sense of the wealth of educational resources on the web. A knollop is a dollop of knowledge. We are linking together the endless learning materials available on the web to illuminate multiple pathways for students to achieve their educational goals.

We are here to provide a platform for you to share thoughts about online education materials through reviews and ratings. We want to help you keep track of the courses and topics you’re interested in and enable you to share them with others.

It’s our dream that this site helps promote online education and learning in general, as we are huge fans of both. Let us know what you think!



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