網站的創意源於2004年總統選舉中的動畫片,名字叫做“This Land”;據說這個片子被瀏覽次數達到8百萬次之多。在瀏覽網站的過程中,我們能夠體驗到很多創意的思維和搞怪的方式;或者由於文化差異很多片段不一定都能看懂,不過基本都讓人捧腹大笑,不用去理解英語或者其他任何語言。
JokeBox is a trading hub for the funniest videos, pictures and text jokes on the web. The JibJab Brothers (Gregg and Evan Spiridellis) dreamed up the idea after wishing that they had a place to store and share all the nutty email jokes that their father sent them. With your free JokeBox account you can store and organize all of your favorite funny email jokes in one place, share ’em with friends, meet new people and discover the latest and greatest online laughs!