


像Facebook交友社群一樣,所有的病友都可以在 HealthKeep 上有自己的個人主頁。作為病友,在主頁上你可以釋出自己的狀態更新。HealthKeep 的狀態不像 Facebook 那樣隨意讓你填寫文字和表情,而是通過一個個下拉框引導你發一些與病情有關的狀態。你可以描述你得了什麼病、吃了什麼藥、接受了什麼手術、已經約談了哪個醫生;你也可以釋出一些自己的健康資料,比如飲食、體重、血壓、血糖、運動等。這樣,這一條條的狀態就會實時出現在你的“Timeline”裡面。當然,你所關注病友的狀態也會同時出現在 Timeline。


HealthKeep is a social health network

It is a fully connected online community of people who care about their health including their health providers.

Healthkeep is a simple easy-to-use and intuitive way to track, understand and share about your health.

It is totally free.

To get started you register an anonymous screen name and then answer some basic questions about your health. You will enter any medical conditions and surgeries you have, any medications you take, and any doctors you see.

You can also enter any ongoing symptoms you have and any other health information to want to track and follow.

You can also set up profiles for family members you help care for.



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