FutureMe目前設定的最長期限為未來50年,郵件正文的預設稱呼為“Dear Future Me”,想想看,融入過去與未來的時間,會有特別的感覺吧?FutureMe已經發送了100多萬份(1,001,335)未來郵件,而且在2006年,還出版了名為“Dear Future Me”的書,以記錄那些精彩的信件,感謝這種富有創意卻免費的服務。
FutureMe.org is based on the principle that memories are less accurate than e-mails. And we strive for accuracy.See, usually, it’s the future that will reflect back on the present. We here at FutureMe think it’s fun to flip that all around.
So send your future self some words of inspiration. Or maybe give ’em swift kick in the pants. Or just share some thoughts on where you’ll or what you’ll be up to in a year, three years…more? And then we’ll do some time travel magic and deliver the letter to you. FutureYou, that is.