FieldaWare:建築行業工作管理工具是致力於為中小型承建施工單位提供工作管理工具,以 SaaS 模式為他們提供服務;幫助建築施工人員通過移動裝置來管理相關的事宜。
這些施工組織的有個工作特點就是戶外工作較多。FieldAware 會為前線的技師和工人提供移動應用,後臺推送的工作安排和排班協同都會實時更新在應用中。它整套系統可以把施工排期、任務下發、施工監管、施工反饋等等流程都給自動化了。管理層則可在後臺的儀表盤上瀏覽工作資料和報表。在收費方式上 FieldAware 同其他 SaaS 服務類似,是按期訂閱的形式,不同等級套餐所支援的賬號數不同。
We are re-shaping the field service industry! Our made-for-mobile, cloud-based software was designed from the ground up to provide ease of use with incredible flexibility – a combination that enables field service organizations to amaze their customers, astonish the staff and surprise the competition. Our software was architected as a mobile platform, with no incumbent legacy technologies to modify or migrate from.