
EyEasia:亞洲眼財經資訊網是馬來西亞星洲媒體集團旗下的一款亞洲財經新聞評論網站, ​​是星洲媒體集團為面向社會轉型、全球閱讀形態的改變以及本國讀者的需求,將旗下的《工商世界》徹底改革,以嶄新的姿態推出閱讀市場的重要月刊。


首刊日期為2006年4月。 《亞洲眼》 ​​以“立足大馬,放眼亞洲”為前提,再以“放眼亞洲,觀望全球”為抱負,除了報導時下的財經資訊、企業人物、市場分析、投資專頁及新崛起的商機,還將結合本區域的政、經、文、教等時事觀察,並引入科技動態、保健方針、藝術鑑賞、閱讀與影視文化等人文焦點,力求以更全面而巨集觀的角度,助讀者建立起選擇與判斷的自信,昂首迎向全球資訊競爭的挑戰。

In tandem with rapid social progress, fast changing global reading patterns, and to meet the increasingly demanding needs of local readers, “Business world”, the principle business monthly magazine under Sin Chew Media Corporation Berhad, is undergoing an unprecedented overhaul, and will emerge as “Eye Asia” to greet the reading public with a refreshing new look.

Rooted in Malaysia, “Eye Asia” is setting its sights far and wide across Asia and the entire world. The new entity will retain the business contents of “Business World” while adding local and regional perspectives in politics, economy, culture and education, as well as incisive analyses and comments.



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