


etcML全稱為(Easy Text Classification with Machine Learning),etcML旨在幫助普通人和研究人員使用的標準的機器學習技術,所有使用者都不需要程式設計能力。etcML提供了一種簡單的方式,對單詞和短語所體現的觀點進行分類。

etcML可以訓練分類器,也可以對任何一段文字打上標籤,實現這一切並不需要寫一行程式碼。我還可以和記者或研究人員分享我的分類器。斯坦福大學電腦科學博士生Chinmay Kulkarni使用etcML對2000名學生的簡答題測驗進行打分。此前,簡答題打分是通過學生之間的互相打分完成的,平局每道題有4個學生進行打分。通過etcML打分後,平局每道題只需要3個或更少的學生打分。

etcML provides easy-to-use access to high-quality machine learning algorithms that can induce meaningful structure from your textual data. Our primary mode of analysis is “classification,” which you can think of as automatic categorization.

The input data – often referred to as “training data” – to our system is text, where each piece of text (usually a sentence or a document) has a predefined “label.” The system learns which labels are statistically associated with which kinds of words, and then can use that information to make accurate predictions about new, unlabeled data.

For example, we used the text of several thousands of online movie reviews as the training data for our sentiment classifier. We treated the star rating assigned to each review as its “label,” and had the system learn which kinds of words are associated with positive reviews, and which are associated with negative reviews. You can try typing in a positive or negative sentence, and the classifier will make a prediction about how likely it is that your sentence is expressing positive or negative sentiment.



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