
DiveintoPython:線上Python程式語言教學網是一份很知名的 Python 入門教程,由 Mark Pilgrim 編寫,使用者可以免費獲取電子版本,你可以線上閱讀本書或者下載多種格式的版本。也可以獲得多種語言的版本。


Dive Into Python基於GNU Free Documentation License出版釋出,這給了你巨大的自由,可以修改並以任何形式重新發布。如果您對基於軟體的 GNU General Public License 比較熟悉的話,您已經理解了這種自由。您可以閱讀協議瞭解更多細節。

不論是在人氣最旺的Python社群還是在CSDN的指令碼論壇,都不時有新加入的朋友諮詢有沒有什麼Python書比較好,回覆的貼子裡,肯定少不了Dive into Python。這本書基於Python 2.2或2.3版本編寫。在這本書中的例程是自由軟體。你可以在遵守Python協議條款的規定下,重新發布,且/或修改它們。

Dive Into Python is a free Python book for experienced programmers. It was originally hosted at DiveIntoPython.org, but the author has pulled down all copies. It is being mirrored here. You can read the book online, or download it in a variety of formats. It is also available in multiple languages.

This book is still being written. You can read the revision history to see what’s new. Updated 20 May 2004. Email me if you’d like to see something changed/updated, or suggestions for this site.



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