DigitaLocean:固態硬碟雲託管服務平臺是一家從 TechStars 孵化出來的雲託管服務提供商。其特色服務是提供快速的固態硬碟伺服器,宣稱可在 55 秒鐘搭建好一臺雲伺服器。
Digital Ocean獲得 320 萬美元的 A 輪融資,由 IA Ventures 領投, CrunchFund 和 TechStars 也有參與。目前 Digital Ocean 已有 30 名員工,所得融資將用於招募營銷及工程人員,並擴建基礎設施。
Digital Ocean平臺的所有的伺服器均擁有 1G 的網路介面,每月基礎套餐為 1TB 流量,超出部分按每 GB2 美分計算。公司還提供了靈活的 API 供客戶控制其私有虛擬伺服器。控制面板也相當直觀易用。
Digital Ocean平臺支援的環境、系統、語言、程式有: Ruby on Rails、Linux Basics、NGINX、MongoDB、Ubuntu、CentOS、MySQL、Apache、PHP、FAQ、Miscellaneous、Node.js、Server Optimization、WordPress、Getting Started、Security、Arch Linux、Drupal、Joomla、Debian、LAMP Stack、Fedora、Email、Git、DigitalOcean、Python、Scaling、Django、DNS、Firewall、PostgreSQL、Monitoring、Caching、NoSQL、Backups.
We’re passionate about making complex infrastructure simple and delighting our users with a seamless experience that brings them joy.We’ve built a simple cloud hosting platform where developers can easily deploy a blazing fast SSD cloud server in 55 seconds within an intuitive control panel interface. DigitalOcean is based in NYC and in 2012, graduated from the world-renowned TechStars startup accelerator program. Since graduating, DigitalOcean has been experiencing serious traction and growth with over 200,000 cloud servers launched.