



We love how helpful the web design community is and want to return the favor by offering premium quality web design files absolutely free. No required membership, no hidden fees, just web design resources ready to be downloaded. All files are royalty-free and are created exclusively for Design Kindle viewers, which means you won’t find our resources available anywhere else. Last but not least, you can use any of our downloads in your personal or commercial projects! You’re not obligated to link back, but it would be nice if you did 😉

Who’s Behind it All?

Design Kindle was the idea of Build Interactive, a small web design studio founded by Adrian Pelletier. Our goal is to provide the best free design resources on the web by keeping our file quality incredibly high. Want to help our efforts and gain some free exposure? You can submit files for review by sending us an e-mail with a preview of the download you’d like to contribute.



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