達維法律事務所(Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP)主要業務部門包括公司法律部、稅務法律部和訴訟部等。多年來,達維在其從事的各業務領域均為世界最優秀的律師事務所之一。根據《美國律師》的排名,達維曾連續三年在甲級美國律師事務所中名列榜首。
Davis Polk & Wardwell is an international law firm with more than 600 lawyers and 75 corporate legal assistants in New York, Menlo Park, Washington, D.C., London, Madrid, Paris, Frankfurt, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Beijing. Davis Polk has long been recognized as an innovative leader in the provision of quality legal services. Davis Polk has also developed extensive experience in major international business transactions, and regularly works with companies based throughout the world.