Concierge.com網站的Interests + Ideas欄目囊括了各類旅遊的最佳創意,包括簡易旅遊、奢華旅遊、冒險旅遊等。
Concierge是一本集休閒、高雅、高階於一體的旅遊生活方式類雜誌,以“旅行的真諦”(Truth in Travel)為辦刊宗旨,內容不僅涵蓋旅遊目的地、酒店、美食與美酒、自駕、航空、旅行禮儀和和商務旅行,而且涉及行裝、購物、美容等與旅行生活息息相關的諸多方面。Concierge.com是康泰納仕集團(Condé Nast)旗下的旅遊網站。 is the premier source of independent travel information online. We publish original travel guides to over 200 top destinations, with expert recommendations on hotels, restaurants, attractions, shopping, and nightlife. Our Interests + Ideas section contains great vacation ideas for every type of traveler, from budget to luxury to adventure.