ADyoulike通過分析網頁內容,將廣告無縫的嵌入到已有的內容中,以提高廣告的關聯度,同時增加使用者的點選。驗證碼廣告的創始人應該算是美國的 Solve Media,後者創立於 2009 年,如今旗下已有不少大型客戶,如美國線上 AOL。
這次 Adyoulike 實現融資並將產品線從僅有的驗證碼擴充套件到語義廣告,或許是因為公司管理層也意識到,僅靠驗證碼圖片和視訊廣告,在歐洲這個零碎的市場難有大的作為,尤其是 Adyoulike 目前業務主要在法國。除了業務上的鋪寬,在地緣上 Adyoulike 也考慮進入巴西市場,因為其投資人對這個市場比較熟悉。這樣看來,市場規模已不是問題,但是公司運營上卻面臨更多的挑戰。
Adyoulike technology is all website / all device compatible!For publishers, our Java Script Tag based technology takes a few minutes only to install and allow to monetize every web and mobile contents, with neither intrusive perception nor interruption, respecting website look & feel.
Adyoulike technology offer publishers the simplicity of a well known standard format with the impact of a Special Operation. Campaigns are automatically converted to the native format chosen and broadcasted as they perfectly fit to the editorial content, respecting the user experience and guaranteeing the best results.