Type Detall 網站是由一位UX設計師、前端開發設計師張文婷創辦,靈感來自於”the great discontent’s 100 day project and Stephen Coles’s great book The Anatomy of Type .”該網站每天釋出一則有關於字型的設計細節,有助於設計師們讀懂每一個字型設計幕後的故事,當你需要使用某一款字型的時候可以更加的得心應手,讓字型也充滿靈性。
Type detail is an ongoing project by Wenting Zhang, inspired by the great discontent’s 100 day projectand Stephen Coles’s great book The Anatomy of Type. The rule and goal is to annotate a web typeface each day, pointing out the beautiful details of the type forms that often get overlooked.