SocialMention:社會化媒體搜尋引擎是一個針對市場營銷的社會化搜尋引擎,其主要搜尋由使用者創造的內容,如部落格,評論, 社會化書籤, 事件, 新聞, 視訊, 以及微部落格服務等等。
Social Mention可以提供功能強大的社交媒體搜尋和分析服務。在首頁左欄輸入關鍵詞,在右欄的下拉選項中,可以選擇部落格、微博、評論、新聞、視訊等資訊形式;或者點選 “選擇特定社交媒體來源”,在Facebook、Flickr、W ordpress等60餘個知名社交媒體中進行站內搜尋。在搜尋欄下方的提示中,列出了時下熱門的搜尋關鍵詞。進入搜尋頁面,左欄中直觀地顯示有關搜尋結果的各種資料分析,如輿論態度統計、情緒分析、搜尋頻率、訊息來源等。
SocialMention支援搜尋的網站包括: 12seconds, backtype, blinklist, blip, blogcatalog, blogdigger, bloglines, yahooboss, break, clipmarks, cocomment, dailymotion, delicious, digg, diigo, eventful, flickr, friendfeed, furl, google, google_video, ireport, identica, jaiku, meetup, msnlive, misterwong, mixx, mybloglog, netvibes, nowpublic, photobucket, picasa, pixsy, plurk, pownce, reddit, samepoint, simpy, smugmug, msnsoapbox, stumbleupon, technorati, topix, truveo, twingly, twitter, upcoming, webshots, wordpress, yahoo。
Social Mention is a social media search and analysis platform that aggregates user generated content from across the universe into a single stream of information.
It allows you to easily track and measure what people are saying about you, your company, a new product, or any topic across the web’s social media landscape in real-time. Social Mention monitors 100+ social media properties directly including: Twitter, Facebook, FriendFeed, YouTube, Digg, Google etc.