
Recalll 網站是一個i額致力於問題、程式碼、主題、文件、文章的內容搜尋引擎,適合於科學家、程式設計師搜尋想要的內容,Recalll是一種新的內容搜尋引擎,旨在打造設定了相關內心主題和跨服務、個性化的搜尋機制。


How It Works?

We follow lots of services and these services are updating every second, whether these services are for fun, reading or work, so most of the time we waste our time looking at these services again and again. Recalll help you to search and discover things & topics across services and enable you pin these topics in collections for later use. Recalll is a new kind of content engine designed to create relevant information sets for topics, across services, personalized for you. Sits on top of our nbase graph store.

nBase is a scalable graph store, Which is able to store and process different semantics for different types(Currently we are testing with types and properties). based on these types, its creating indexes for all the information, interconnected in form of graphs. In other words, Elasticsearch and solr creating indexes of content and making those indexes searchable but not able to interconnect or tag these indexes with other indexes to understand the interconnected information until we manually take care of it like rdf/linked data based systems can do, but problem with these systems, they are not as fast as search engines should have to be. So we built nBase. nBase sits over ElasticSearch and Lucene(Our beloved library used in IBM watson, solr, elasticsearch, neo4j and many more great products).



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