英國詩歌協會(Poetry Society)成立於1909年,是面向所有詩歌愛好者的會員制慈善組織,它致力於推廣英語詩歌學習與鑑賞;目前擁有3000多名會員,自成立以以來已經成為英國最具活力的藝術團體之一,代表著英國詩歌在國際和國內的地位。
詩歌協會的會刊《詩歌評論》(Poetry Review)是英國著名的詩歌雜誌。協會還負責主辦英國全國詩歌日(National Poetry Day)的活動及各種詩歌比賽和評獎活動,如全英詩歌大賽(British National Poetry Competition)等。協會還為詩人、教師、學生和作家等提供培訓機會。
“The Poetry Society is the heart and hands of poetry in the UK – a centre which pours out energy to all parts of the poetry-body, and a dexterous set of operations which arrange and organise poetry’s various manifestations. It has a long distinguished history, and has never been so vital, or so vitalizing as it is now.” Sir Andrew Motion