Playfic 最大的亮點在於每個人都可以註冊一個賬戶然後使用 Inform 7 來創作和分享自己的“互動式小說”,這是一種易學而難精的自然語言,有詳細的文件和例項,而且 Playfic 上所有的遊戲都是可以檢視原始碼的。總之,Playfic 更像是一個學習社群,讓人們能從已有的遊戲中獲取靈感和技術來創作更棒的冒險故事。
Playfic is a platform for writing and playing interactive fiction.Interactive fiction (aka “text adventures”) is a genre of game that uses no graphics or sound, but instead, uses text to tell a story in an interactive world.
Playfic is a way to write interactive fiction and publish it entirely on the web. Playfic uses a “natural language” programming language called Inform 7 that’s easy to pick up and difficult to master. You’re able to make your first simple game within minutes.