LolMyThesis網站記錄了一些具有本科( 及部分研究生)論文帶來的壓力,過程和寫論文中遇到的一些瑣碎的事情,隨著越來越多的人上傳自己的論文,你可以在這裡查詢那些論文對自己有用,所有的論文都是可以支援線上閱讀的,至於有什麼用處就不用我再多說了吧,仁者見仁智者見智。
This blog was started in December 2013 by Angie, a senior at Harvard College studying Human Developmental and Regenerative Biology.
Initially intended as a means of procrastination from my own thesis, this blog has documented some of the stress, hilarity, and chaos associated with undergraduate (and some post-graduate) theses. Enjoy!