在LaughingSquid 部落格網站上你可以獲取到很多比較實用的知識,例如紀錄片、科學演講、創意研發、藝術作品描述、攝影作品展示等,豐富有趣的內容。
Laughing Squid was founded on November 16th, 1995 in San Francisco by Scott Beale as a film and video production company, producing documentaries on the surrealist painter Alonso Smith and The Cacophony Society’sPortland Santacon ’96 event. In 1996 Laughing Squid launched The Squid List and for a while Laughing Squid offered publicity and web design services, but then started focusing on web hosting in 1998. In 2000 John Law joined as a partner in Laughing Squid as head of “special projects”, followed by David Klass, joining as evangelist-at-large.