WorkSimple使用者可以設定自己的職業重心,新增自己的職業目標和打造自己的職場聲譽。此外,WorkSimple還可以通過目標分享以及和他人實時協作完成某項任務來營銷自己。本質上來看,WorkSimple就是職場版的Facebook Timeline。
WorkSimple began with a simple idea – what if there was a way to measure people on actual results and work. And Social Goals was born.
We decided to create the industry’s first social performance platform based on actual work and social goals that happen throughout the workday. It would be designed for everyone, every employee, it would be easy to use, and would focus on communication, visibility, transparency, with a game changing user experience.
We learned along the way that employees love social goals. They knew for the first time what was expected of them and what they could expect from the company. They could see what others are working on, and how their job role and goals impacted the greater objectives of theirs peers, team and company.
Managers and employees used their goals as discussion guides on a weekly basis. Problems were getting solved, employee coaching and performance feedback was emerging, performance behaviors were discovered, and engagement was happening.
Our vision and platform is on track to fundamentally change the way employees and companies view performance and each other. We help build your performance network in a single day.