在網際網路的世界中有這樣的一群人,他們追求世界上一切美好的事物,物質文明非常充足的情況下精神文明就成為了人們追求的物件,街頭的行為藝術、追求刺激的高空攝影,匪夷所思的插畫創作、恢弘龐大的建築設計等等,都為人們的物質生活和精神境界提供了豐富的養分。 internet-community, which is crating with participation of users. Any visitor of website, may not only receive information, but also share it with. To become an author of the content on you only need to summit the simplified registration procedure and have an access to add news and photos. The main topics of the website are art, photography, design, architecture, interior, fashion and etc. So join us and fill the resource on your own with the interesting information, which will be available for thousands of users around the world!