
Dressipi:私人時尚線上訂製服務平臺是一家位於倫敦的時尚領域的科技創業公司,它為私人量身打造時尚,出具形象包裝方案。ebay將Dressipi 整合到其中,並開啟為期六個月的試用服務。



將 Dressipi 整合到 eBay 的英國站後,登入網站的購物者就會擁有兩種方案進行選擇。第一種是由 Dressipi 團隊給你提供一整套的服飾、鞋子以及配件;第二種是由使用者來做所謂的“時尚指紋”測試,這樣 Dressipi 就會據此給出個性化的包裝方案。

Dressipi is a free fashion advice and recommendation service. We give you the know-how to dress your shape and update your style – and a quick and easy way to find the best clothes and brands for you.

We, Donna and Sarah, started Dressipi as busy women, with little time to shop but wanting to dress our best. Understanding that what we wear is personal, we brought together a top styling team – and combined it with our expertise in technology to create a service that could be both free and accessible to all.



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