


Cloudup 的技術非常給力,這在協同功能上體現的十分明顯,更牛的地方在於支援上傳過程中 URL 連結分享,這意味著即使檔案(不超過 200MB) 還未上傳成功,其他使用者也能跨裝置預先瀏覽。

它不是單純地處理文件,視訊、影象和相簿協同上傳功能將讓部落格或網頁的瀏覽體驗更豐富。Cloudup 自 7 月份起已經積累了 1 萬的活躍使用者,目前每個使用者可免費上傳 1000 個檔案,享有 200G 的儲存空間。

WordPress公司旗下的Automattic網頁程式設計公司收購了該平臺,它仍會獨立於 WordPress 繼續運作,只是 Automattic 會在功能上對其進行擴充,不久該服務將面向公眾開放。

Cloudup set out with one goal in mind: to make sharing anything – files, videos, links, music, documents, code, text, etc – simple and beautiful for both the sharer and the recipient. Drag, drop, and stream.

Sharing, not managing. We created Cloudup because we were frustrated with sharing services that took too much time converting, filing, managing, and uploading – we simply wanted to share whatever, whenever. Cloudup provides users with an easy-to-use, instantaneous solution for streaming files large and small without any of the business process, and for free. Now everyone can share streams of anything – video, photos, music, links, and files instantly and easily.

Cloudup is fortunate to have a really spiffy lineup of investors. Charles River Ventures, Atlas Ventures, and prominent angel investors have backed Cloudup’s work with funding and advice.



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