
ASMP:美國媒體攝影師協會(American Society of Media Photographers, 簡稱ASMP)是美國商業攝影師交流促進協會,成立於1944年,擁有7000多會員;致力於維護攝影師版權,遵守商業行為規範,促進攝影和商業間的有機結合。


As a member of ASMP, you are a part of the premier trade association for the world’s most respected photographers. Your membership offers you enormous benefits that save you money, put dollars in your pocket, help you run a more profitable business, protect your interests, and extend your network.

ASMP Fundamentals is a curriculum that covers the business essentials for emerging imaging professionals. Topics include how to start a business, pricing, copyright, licensing, releases, trademark, video business basics and digital best practices. Through in-person presentations, written tutorials, video lectures and more. ASMP offers these resources to academic institutions, chapters and community arts organizations.



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